Student 资源
Translators and interpreters are in demand but being bilingual is not enough. ATA offers resources for those considering a career as a language professional.
Starting Your Career
Translation and interpreting are exciting yet challenging careers. ATA has everything you need to get your career started right.
The Savvy Newcomer
Find resources written by working translators and interpreters who have been where you are right now.
For Professionals
Growing Your Career
By sharing the experience of successful translators and interpreters, ATA can help you find clients and stay competitive in today’s marketplace.
Business Strategies
The school of hard knocks is no way to learn business management skills. ATA provides strategies and solutions for the business-side of translating and interpreting.
Client Outreach Kit
Interested in reaching more direct clients? ATA’s Client Outreach Kit gives you the tools to connect with potential clients and position yourself as a "go-to" resource for language services.
ATA 永利登录网址
ATA certification is one of the industry's most respected credentials for translators and is the only widely recognized measure of competence for translation in the U.S.
ATA-certified translators earn a distinction that can open doors to career advancement and higher compensation. See what it takes to earn this credential.
Get the Member Advantage
ATA 支持s you and your career with member-priced education, professional connections, and 24/7 promotion in ATA’s Directory.